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If you are interested in having your wedding stationery designed especially for you by Amy Elizabeth Bespoke Wedding Stationery, please get in touch.

The wedding stationery sets the tone for the rest of your wedding, and is a great way to get your guests excited for your big day. We always make sure that our customers needs and wants for their wedding stationery is met.

Please include in your email a rough guide of what you would like to order and quantities. We can then discuss colour palettes and any ideas you have; it is always helpful to have some images of things you like, I would always recommend having a look on Pinterest at wedding stationery inspiration. If there is anything you would like that isn't on the price list, please ask and I can get a price to you.

Foiling is also available, however, this is priced case-by-case.

*Please note, there is a 4 week lead time on all wedding stationery

Contact Me


P: 07927 962914


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